Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The Final Assesment


I felt like I did my best on both my contemporary monologues, however I know that my classical could have gone a lot better as there could have been more movement and I did mess up on some words. I am glad that this happened though because now when I go to my drama school auditions I will know what not to do in front of the panel.
  I have planned now some more actions to use when saying things, and how I will hold myself too as I didn't have much going on, I didn't feel like it was interesting at all. I would put this all down to the fact that this was the monologue that I had the least time to do with the last minute change. It was "OK" for a classical monologue but in comparison to my other two it was poor.
  Next time I would hold myself for properly, pace around the stage, look into different directions like I am confused about what to do in this situation, and use emotion memory too for different parts in it. Another thing would be that I didn't really understand what was going on but now I have a better idea so I can now develop what I have already done to further and better the monologue.
  My two contemporary monologues were probably the best I have ever performed them, I think it was because of nerves as the two characters are very frustrated its easier when I'm nervous to be more loud because if I don't I know that I will go too quiet so I push it even more than normal. I enjoyed performing them, they worked really well and even though they were both quite similar they still had enough contrast to be different.
  I felt like both were interesting to watch and quite exciting too as it was a story, where as the classical everyone has heard before. I am pleased with the three monologues that I chose, they worked well with my vocal range and my personality too. They made me change things up and be more expressive in my face so I have also learnt how to do some more things to give me a wider range in  my acting techniques too.
  Overall I enjoyed the experience and I now know where to improve for next time. It has also give me more confidence in how I perform them and should then help me in my future auditions too.

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